

Course in physics and chemistry – “Introduction to natural science (Science art)”.

This course is specially designed for children from 6 to 10 years old.

Classes will be held on Saturdays at 11:45.

Bright and cool experiments are already waiting for their experimenters!

Our goal:
• to captivate children with knowledge of the world around them,
• show that doing science is interesting,
• help them answer their eternal question “Why ?!”

Children will receive structured knowledge about the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, as well as form an idea of ​​various methods of studying the world around them.
A teacher with many years of experience in teaching physics and chemistry will clearly and interestingly explain the familiar and unusual phenomena around us, laying the foundation for the scientific worldview.

Science is fun!

What are the differences between chemical and physical phenomena?

What is sound?

What is the structure of the wildlife world?

And most importantly, all the children will have the opportunity to be actively involved and conduct experiments on their own. And all this in the atmosphere of the game!