
Everyone who is looking for Russian books and loves Russian literature – welcome to our bookstore!

For kids- books made of paper and cardboard, transformer books, toy books, and even 3D books, and a tabletop theater!
For schoolchildren – educational and educational literature, fairy tales and adventures, Russian children’s classics, and works of modern authors.

The books are selected to help parents develop their child’s imagination, independent thinking, curiosity, and erudition. We want children to find in the book an interesting companion, a wise mentor, learn to experience real feelings, love, and dream. Therefore, we offer the best examples of children’s Russian-language literature.

Adults will not be left without a good Russian book. We have a large selection of books in the language of Gogol and Dostoevsky, as well as foreign literature translated into Russian – works of fiction, memoirs, collectible works, popular novelties of the book market, and world bestsellers. What you will not find in the store, we will order from Russia especially for you.