

From the new academic year, the East-West School opens a preparation class for the national exam The Prototype AP® Russian Language Exam. After many years of conducting Russian language lessons, teachers have accumulated a base of practical skills and a deep understanding of language teaching technologies in such a way that it is as easy and effective as possible for students. It’s high time to use this knowledge to prepare our students for the exam, which not only sums up the long-term study at the Russian school, adding an incentive to learning the Russian language, but also gives a lot of advantages when entering and studying at higher educational institutions.

Prototype AP Russian Exam is conducted by the American Council of Teachers of Russian in cooperation with the College Board. The results of this exam are sent to colleges and universities as part of the high school student’s portfolio, influencing the possibility of admission to the chosen institution. Over the years, it has been noted that the presence of AP Russian results in the applicant’s folder makes a favorable impression on the admissions committee of elite educational institutions and significantly increases the chances of admission.

Moreover, a high score obtained on this exam adds student credits to the student, which can significantly reduce both the time and the cost of university studies. Depending on the result, a student can be credited up to 12 credit hours (2 semesters). Calculate your budget savings. The American Councils also organize a variety of exchange training programs and grant study grants to those students who have demonstrated outstanding results in this exam. There are many cases when American Councils sent the best students to study at well-known Russian universities, which are also famous for the quality of their education, for a certain period of time free of charge. In addition, such students receive a scholarship

The exam in Russian (The Prototype AP® Russian Language Exam), as stated in the official documents, is intended for high school students, both speaking the language from birth and those studying Russian as a foreign language, who have completed a whole Russian language course equivalent to Advanced- level college-level Russian courses. The knowledge that students master in this course, according to the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) scale, corresponds to the second year of study at the university, and the language level is defined as “above average”. The course program includes an introduction to Russian cultural heritage.

In the learning process, students are given the opportunity to practice passing the exam and get feedback on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as adjust the preparation so that all competencies develop to the proper degree.
It is important to be prepared in all four dimensions – reading comprehension, listening comprehension, literacy in writing, and freedom of speaking, which is achieved through an integrated approach implemented in our classes.
And attention to each student, possible thanks to classes in small groups and significantly affecting the receipt of real results, has long become the hallmark of our school.

So, welcome to The Prototype AP® Russian Language Exam preparation group! Students who are 15 years old or are studying in the 9th grade of an American school can register and take the exam.